Thursday, June 20, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Father’s Day this year was extra special for these two dads. It has been several years since all 6 of our kids were in the same place at the same time. It just worked out that they all came together this year. It was a fantastic day. Everyone had a wonderful time.
The age range of our kids is 13 to 30. Two are high schoolers. The other four are working stiffs.

The second oldest son planned the BBQ. He did the shopping, the preparation and the cooking. Much of the rest of the day was spent playing cards and board games.

Father’s Day has an additional meaning to us. In 2005 were married in a Jewish ceremony at our synagogue by the head rabbi. Our kids gave us away then.
Here is a picture from back then. Boy, they have grown up a lot.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Harvey Milk's "Give Them Hope" Speech

This is one of the most well made videos I've seen of the speech. Harvey gave variations of this speech many times in 1977 and 1978. It was his "stump speech" he used often.


"Somewhere in Des Moines or San Antonio there is a young gay person who all of a sudden realizes that he or she is gay; knows that if their parents find out they will be tossed out of the house, their classmates will taunt the child, and the Anita Bryant's and John Briggs' are doing their part on TV. And that child has several options: staying in the closet, and suicide. And then one day that child might open the paper that says "Homosexual elected in San Francisco" and there are two new options: the option is to go to California, or stay in San Antonio and fight. Two days after I was elected I got a phone call and the voice was quite young. It was from Altoona, Pennsylvania. And the person said "Thanks". And you've got to elect gay people; so that thousands upon thousands like that child know that there is hope for a better world; there is hope for a better tomorrow. Without hope, not only gays, but those who are blacks, the Asians, the disabled, the seniors, the us's; without hope the us's give up. I know that you can't live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living. And you, and you, and you, and you have got to give them hope."

- Harvey Milk