Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Vacation pictures NYC

GuyDads meet with Cherry Jones, one of the stars of Faith Healer on Broadway.
Renowned cartoonist Sam Gross and our oldest son. Cartoons by Sam Gross have appeared in magazines such as The New Yorker, Harvard Business Review, Esquire, Cosmopolitan, and Good Housekeeping.
E on the way to one of our evening shows.
Me standing in front of the Stonewall Bar.
Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge. Oldest son on left, E on the right.


  1. enjoying your blog,
    I love NY!

  2. I am insanely jealous of your trip. NYC has been a dream of mine since high school graduation. I can't believe, 10 years later, I haven't made it there yet!

  3. New York is such an amazing place to visit I second dana - COMPLETELY jealous.

  4. Now that's a GREAT show list!

    we've been lucky to have had Cherry Jones here in Boston a great deal over the years--one of the great actors here in the U.S.

