Friday, June 22, 2007

Happy Pride weekend in SF

We started celebrating Pride earlier this week. Wednesday we attended a concert called “Queer Wedding Sweet” at the Jewish Community Center. It was a musical celebration of queer weddings and commitment ceremonies. It featured queer wedding stories, klezmer and Yiddish songs, juggling, and poetry.

Thursday night we were at the San Francisco Opera for their production of “Der Rosenkavalier” by Richard Strauss. Even though every night is gay night at the opera, this performance was part of their “Rainbow Series”. At the intermission we had Champaign on the rainbow lighted front balcony.

This weekend we will be in SF the whole time. Plans include the Gay Blogger Summit II, dancing at the End Up, Giants and Yankees baseball game, attending Queen:The Party, watching the parade and finally the Pride T-dance, Fresh at Ruby Skye.

Thank should make for a busy weekend!


  1. have fun! There so many blogger guys in Sanfrancisco enjoying it this weekend

  2. Awesome. Thom and I saw "Queer Wedding Sweet" on Thursday (which we like to think of as our anniversary). Happy Pride!

  3. Hi E and E..nice to meet you both at the Blogger event Friday night. I'd like to catch up with you both again. Tom here from The Untraveled Travel Guy...soon to be under another blog name as yet undetermined in title. Drop me a line, would ya?

  4. hello
    vous pouvez mettre vos infos sur
