Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Anything Goes

GuyDads in costume from musical Pacific Ovetures for 'Anything Goes' Gala A couple weeks ago, our favorite local theatre company, TheatreWorks, had their annual gala to raise money. The premise for the event is that all the guests rent show costumes from the theatre’s costume shop. Then a fun and festive evening of food, drink and dancing ensues in the theatre’s scene shop that is decorated with show props and flats. We bought and hosted a table and invited a bunch of our gay, theatre loving friends. Gay table at Anything Goes GalaOur fabulous table was the only gay table at the event. The other two dozen tables were all/mostly “heteros”. The evening of frolic and fantasy raised over $300,000 and was attended by 270 guests. A great time was had by all. Everyone shared the dance floor, gays and straights, to the swinging sounds of a nine-piece band playing the hits from the Motown era through the 1980's.
Our costumes were from the Stephen Sondheim musical “Pacific Overtures”.
One of our guests took this video of a talented young actor that was in a show earlier this season. He sings “Seasons of Love” from the musical “Rent”.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi_B7Fzbyrk

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