Monday, March 10, 2008

Walk Away and Do Not Sign

GLBT organizations have reports that well-funded anti-gay organizations are harassing people for their signatures on petitions and deceiving them - so please WALK AWAY and DO NOT SIGN any petition this year.Last week the California Supreme Court heard arguments for same-sex marriage. We have received several email requests from GLBT groups warning of well-funded anti-GLBT organizations that are paying people to gather signatures. These anti-gay organizations are also paying for automated phone calls to put a constitutional amendment on the California November 2008 ballot that would permanently exclude same-sex couples from marriage.
GLBT organizations have reports that the proponents of this hateful and destructive measure are harassing people for their signatures and deceiving them - so please WALK AWAY and DO NOT SIGN any petition this year.

We cannot give the proponents of this initiative any accidental signatures, so please help us encourage everyone to WALK AWAY and DO NOT SIGN when they see these people on the streets.

Please encourage others not to sign this initiative. We especially need to get the word out to San Diego, Orange County, San Gabriel Valley, Riverside and San Bernardino, Fresno, and Sacramento. Tell your friends and family [link to:] how to sign up online to volunteer and donate.

Please send all information about signature gatherers you see on the streets to
We can defeat the forces of hatred and bigotry, but we are the underdogs in this fight, and it will take all of us to win.

This is your chance to make a difference.

We received this message first from the National Center for Lesbian Rights. We are proud supports of NCLR.
The National Center for Lesbian Rights is a national legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families through litigation, public policy advocacy, and public education.

1 comment:

  1. It's sad that so many people are willing to take affirmative steps in the name of hatred. It's especially amazing that so many do so in the name of Jesus Christ. I'm not a Christian, but my understanding of Jesus is that he was about love and acceptance. Where do they think this fits in?
