Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Just try to keep up with us

We are on a roll. It has been a busy couple of weeks. Since Passover we have attended a new works playwrights' festival, the symphony, plays at three different theatres, two museum exhibits, a couple of Giants games and two fundraising benefits.

Gilbert and George, Fates 2005We spent the last weekend of April in San Francisco. Our friend that has just finished writing his novel invited us to be his guests for the weekend. He prepared a wonderful meal on Friday night and introduced us to several of his cool friends. That Saturday we visited the Annie Leibovitz photography exhibit at the Legion of Honor museum (through May 25th). We were not impressed by it. You see her pictures all the time in magazines and ads. The show did not add much. We then made a quick drive over to the deYoung Museum to finally see Gilbert and George exhibit. Over the last couple years we have visited other cities where the exhibit was showing, London and Munich, but we never caught it. To be honest we were apprehensive about seeing it based on the descriptions of it in the press. We visit a lot of museum exhibits around the world and have seen many of the new and modern works. Gilbert and George just did not sound that interesting. Boy, were we wrong! It is challenging but playful and cheeky. Go see it before it leaves San Francisco (through May 18th). And rent the headset tour. That evening we saw a play at New Conservatory Theatre Center.
A sunny afternoon at the Giants gameSunday, we did a 5 mile run along the Embarcadero waterfront and then took our host and another friend to a sunny afternoon game at AT&T Park to see the Giants play.

Last weekend we attended two of the four benefits we have scheduled for May. Saturday night was the Spring Gala for Adolescent Counseling Services. ACS partners with public and private agencies to provide an integrated network of services for teens and families in our community. Over the past 30 years, ACS has helped approximately 20,000 teens and their families find their way through and beyond the challenging adolescent years. We almost didn’t make it when we walked out into the garage wearing our formal tuxedo wear and discovered that our hot water heater was leaking. We spent several minutes struggling to turn off the water and shut down the water heater. We made it to the event on time but spent most of Sunday morning getting the darn water heater replaced.

Family at Facing History and Ourselves benefit dinnerSunday night’s benefit was for Facing History and Ourselves. Facing History and Ourselves is an international educational and professional development organization whose mission is to engage students of diverse backgrounds in an examination of racism, prejudice, and anti-Semitism in order to promote the development of a more humane and informed citizenry. The dinner in San Francisco featured Dr. Terrence Roberts. Roberts was one of nine black teenagers that faced angry mobs as they tried to enter Central High for their first day of class in September 1957. The nation watched as these brave individuals, who became known as the Little Rock Nine, battled immense racism and hatred for their right to go to an integrated school. The story of the Little Rock Nine provides insight into the consequences of challenging long-held beliefs about race.

Coming up this week is a play at ACT and another benefit; this one on Thursday is for Outlet. Outlet is a support and empowerment program for LGBTQ teens, with support services, leadership training, community education and advocacy. Friday we leave for another getaway weekend. We are going to visit the gay resort Blue Moon in Las Vegas.

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