Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Anti-gay companies

[UPDATED October 2013] Many anti-gay businesses and their owners or top managers will gladly take (fleece) Gay Dollars. They may offer a product or service that looks friendly, fun or enticing to the GLBT community, but they use their profits to turn on you and stab you in the back by supporting anti-gay causes or to deny equal benefits.
This list is meant to educate the public so consumers can make informed choices. Some of these choices one makes might include the following actions:
 - quietly take your business elsewhere;
 - demonstrate, boycott or picket the business;
 - contact the management of the company to inform them why they have lost your business;
 - educate your friends and families about the company's discriminatory policies;
 - write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper or magazine about the inequality;
 - blog, post or twitter about it.
Eventually corporate leaders and businesses will learn that anti-gay bigotry is bad for business.

A-1 Self Storage Company: Terry Caster is the owner. It is a family (third generation) run company. They have over 40 locations in California. The Californians Against Hate blog reports: “Mr. Caster and his family have contributed $693,000 to the Protect Marriage campaign. That makes the Casters the 2nd largest individual donors to Yes on Prop 8.” [GuyDads]

AutoZone Inc: Does not offer domestic partner benefits to their employees. The company can discriminate against and exclude same-sex couples in ways they can't do to opposite-sex (married) couples. A Fortune 500 company. [HRC buyers guide]
NOTE: AutoZone offers domestic partner benefits where state law requires it. Their HRC Index ranks them at 15 for their non-discrimination policy while competitor Pep Boys ranks a much higher score of 65.

Barilla Group is the world's largest pasta maker. The company chairman, Guido Barilla, says his company will not feature gay families in advertisements for his products because he likes the "traditional" family. If someone disagrees, well, they can go "eat another brand of pasta." He also said "I have no respect for adoption by gay families.." [Huffington Post]

CBRL Group Inc. (Cracker Barrel restaurants) Operates 579 full-service Cracker Barrel restaurants and gift shops in 41 states. The business has a long history of discriminating against gays and blacks, both as employees and dinners. It had an HR policy from 1991 until 2002 that said "It is inconsistent with our concept and values, and is perceived to be inconsistent with those of our customer base, to continue to employ individuals in our operating units whose sexual preferences fail to demonstrate normal heterosexual values.” Seventeen workers were fired because they admitted or were assumed to be gay after the first few months that the policy was created. [Wikipedia] A spokesperson in 2008 said Cracker Barrel “welcomes all guests, and our equal opportunity employment statement clearly states that we will not tolerate discrimination based on sexual orientation." However, it does not offer diversity training, domestic partner benefits or any support for their GLBT employees. It has a Corporate Equality Index score of 15/100. [HRC]

Chick-Fil-A: (fast-food restaurant chain) Provided monetary (almost $2M) and in-kind donations directly and through it’s charitable arm, the WinShape Foundation, to virtually all of the major organizations fighting against marriage equality and GLBT rights. These groups include the Marriage & Family Legacy Fund, a group devoted to opposing same-sex marriage, Focus On The Family, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Family Research Council, and Exodus International. [Change.org]

Dish Network: Company shareholders recently (6/08) shot down a proposal that would bar the company from discriminating against employees based on their sexual orientation. Dish Network also chooses not to carry LGBT cable networks Logo and Here! [Queers United] NOTE: as of 5/09 Dish HD customers can get Logo.

Domino’s Pizza: While Domino’s does not directly contribute to anti-gay activity, founder Tom Monaghan has contributed heavily to initiatives and organizations that oppose the rights of GLBTs. He is a co-founder of the Thomas More Law Center, which is advocating in court to restrict access to domestic partner benefits, and in 2001 financed a ballot proposal in Ypsilanti, MI to remove sexual orientation from that city’s non-discrimination ordinance. David Brandon, the current board chair, also opposes gay marriage. The current CEO, Patrick Doyle, donates to conservative and Republican causes which are known for their anti-gay stances. [RedeyeChicago]
Competitor Pizza Hut, owned by Yum! Brands, scores a 70 on the Equality Index compared to Domino's score of 35.

ExxonMobil: Eliminated domestic-partner benefits for same-sex partners when the two companies merged in 1999. It is the largest Fortune 500 company that does not offer domestic-partner benefits. It also refuses to ban discrimination based on orientation and gender identity. [HRC buyers guide]
On HRC’s Corporate Equality Index, ExxonMobil received a score of -25. In contrast, oil and gas companies such as Chevron, BP, Shell, and Spectra received scores of 85 or higher. For 14 straight years shareholders have refused to adopt protections for LGBT employees.
UPDATE Oct 2013: The company announced it will begin offering benefits to legally married same-sex couples in the U.S. The company says it will recognize "all legal marriages" when it determines eligibility for health care plans for the company’s 77,000 US employees and retirees. ExxonMobil still does not include LGBT employees in its official non-discrimination policies.

Gold’s Gym is another company that betrays LGBT people. It has a huge gay membership and markets itself as gay-friendly. But the billionaire CEO that owns Gold’s Gym, Robert Rowling, is a major supporter of a new political organization, American Crossroads, run by Karl Rove. Rowling reportedly gave them $2 million through both his corporate and personal accounts. The organization funds anti-gay candidates around the country such as Sharon Angle who said homosexuality would lead to the destruction of the United States, and called gay people "sodomites" and "perverts." Another recipient was Rep. Roy Blunt in Missouri, who has voted against the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), in favor of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, and is in favor of banning gay adoptions in Washington, D.C. [Change.org]

Golfland Entertainment Centers: The Kenneys, the family that owns and runs this business, were big donors to the “Yes on H8”. Together they contributed over $35,000 to take rights away from gays, lesbians and their families. They run a chain of family fun centers in California and Arizona. [GuyDads]

Hobby Lobby is a privately held retail chain of arts and crafts stores based in Oklahoma. It cites its commitment to “honoring the Lord” on its website and closes its 500-plus nationwide locations on Sundays. Profits from the company are funneled to virulent anti-gay and pro-life organizations. The company hides behind “Christian values" claiming scripture as the inspiration for hate. [DailyKos.com]

Insure.com (online insurance quote-comparison portal): The Company is a major sponsor of Bill O’Reilly’s radio talk show and Bill gives voice to their commercial. In addition to selling insurance, they provide information about the insurance industry. In an article on the business website entitled “Top five ways to kill yourself and get away with it”, They lists the number one way to kill yourself: “1. Being gay.” [boxturtlebullentin.com]

Jelly Belly Candy Company: The company chairman, Herman Rowland Sr., has donated thousands of dollars to an anti-LGBT campaign that is working to repeal a California law that protects transgender children. [Huffington Post]

Meijer Inc. (Retail supercenter) Owns 180 huge grocery and general merchandise stores in the Midwest. It is a family owned business. The only good thing to be said about Meijer is "they don't engage, that we know of, in any activity that would undermine the goals of equal rights for GLBT people," said Jay Smith Brown, a previous HRC director for communication strategies. It has a very low Corporate Equality Index score of 15/100. It does not offer diversity training, domestic partner benefits or any support for their GLBT employees. [HRC]

OutsidePride.com: Sounds like gay banner website but, in fact, is an on-line seed and lawn care retailer. Troy Hake, the president of Outside Pride, sent a homophobic manifesto to the participants of his company's email list, trying to rally them in a full-on campaign against "the whole CBS homosexual cartel". He says he is not a bigot but is tired of homosexuals rewriting history. [The Consumerist]

Request Foods: A frozen-food maker and supplier to Campbell’s Soup works hard to keep civil rights away from gays and lesbians in their community. In a political ad they ran to defeat a local nondiscrimination policy, they accuse gay people of being psychologically disordered, suggest that people can spontaneously change their sexual orientation, and argue that gays and lesbians don't deserve civil rights because homosexuality is destructive to society. Request Foods president Jack DeWitt has also contributed thousands to the hate group Family Research Council's political action committee. [Change.org]

Salvation Army: This “non-profit” religious organization is anti-gay and actively lobbies against pro-gay legislation in the US and abroad. The money you put in that red kettle is going to anti-gay evangelical Christian lobbyists. They believe that since they're a "church" they have the right to not hire gay people because they are sinners. Salvation Army reserves the right to discriminate in hiring, promoting, and firing gay people, and in the benefits they provide their employees. And they come right out and admit that "practicing homosexuals" are not welcome in the "church." [americablog.com]

Urban Outfitters: Richard Hayne, the Chairman of the hipsterish Urban Outfitters, is a notably right-wing Republican who generously supports GOP candidates and causes that vote for legislation against gay marriage. His company also operates stores under Free People and Anthropologie name.
NOTE: Glen Senk, the CEO of the parent company, Urban Outfitters, Inc., is an openly gay man who has been in a committed relationship for over 30 years. However, Richard Hayne is still the founder and current chairman and does indeed have a record for supporting right-wing Republicans like Rick Santorum who are against abortion and gay rights. [NYMag]
NOTE 2: The company recently teamed up with NCLR and Equality California to make pro-marriage equality t-shirts with the profits supporting marriage equality. But the company only rates a 15 on HRC index for their non-discrimination policy. [Queerty]

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.: Does not offer domestic partner benefits except in locations required by law. Wal-Mart is the largest retail seller of books but refuses to carry any LGBT titles in their stores. [HRC buyers guide] However, they do sell an "ex-gay" children's book. [Edge] Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke and his wife signed petitions to ban adoption for same-sex couples in Arkansas. [KnowThyNeighbor.org]

Two-faced corporate supporters

There is a new twist in anti-gay corporate behavior. Companies that internally support and champion equality in the workplace while profits (and marketing and lobbying dollars) go to fund anti-gay groups, organizations and politicians in the community.
These companies find it to be good business practice to offer and promote their in-house equality programs. To recruit and retain talented and committed employees many big businesses offer clear and defined non-discrimination policies for LGBT employees that are above and beyond the federally protected classes such as age, race, sex, religion, national origin and disability. The overwhelming majority of them also provide benefits to same-sex partners and spouses of employees. In addition, many of the companies seek out and submit information to be included in HRC’s Corporate Equality Index. Despite their high Corporate Equality Index score, the companies and their senior executives undermine their commitment to equality by supporting and donating to bigots and haters.

Retailers Target and Best Buy along with conglomerate 3M (Scotch Tape, Post-its, Scotchgard, Nexcare) are three such hypocritical and disingenuous companies. Despite initially earning Corporate Equality Index scores of 100%, they have made significant campaign donations ($100,000 to $150,000) to an organization that backs the election of an anti-gay candidate who says that LGBT people should be treated like second-class citizens. [DailyFinance]

There are also several high-profile companies that refuse to respond to HRC's invitation to be rated. They include Pottery Barn and West Elm, each part of Williams-Sonoma; Bed Bath & Beyond; Tyson Foods; News Corp., owner of Fox News and HarperCollins Publishers; and several others.

Some formerly anti-gay companies have seen the light and changed their ways:
Bolthouse Farms (juices, dressings and package carrots sold at upscale markets such as Whole Foods): William Bolthouse, founder and former owner, donated $100,000 to the Yes on 8. Although Mr. Bolthouse claims he is no longer connected with the company, his son-in-law is chairman of the company and it markets itself as a fourth-generation company.
UPDATE: The LA Times reports, since feeling the pressure from the gay community, Bolthouse has instated a "diversity program designed to support inclusiveness in its dealings with all stakeholders including the LGBT community." Bolthouse Farms has also extended medical benefits to same-sex partners of gay employees, according to the Californians Against Hate statement.

Brown-Forman Corp. (liquor distributor): Brands include Jack Daniels, Southern Comfort, Finlandia Vodkas, Herradura Tequila, Sonoma-Cutrer Wines, Fetzer Wines, Korbel Champagne, Bolla Wines, Bonterra Wines. Does not offer domestic partner benefits to their employees. Fortune 1000 company. [HRC buyers guide]
UPDATE: Brown-Forman began offering domestic partner benefits in January 2009, amended their EEO policy to include gender identity or expression and have created a GLBT Resource Group, among other GLBT efforts. These changes reflect a genuine desire, on the part of our leadership, to create an inclusive organization.

Cinemark: Alan Stock, Cinemark’s CEO, gave $9,999 to the "Yes on 8" (Protectmarriage.com) campaign. Cinemark has 2700 movie screens in North and South America. In northern California they mainly operate under Century, CinéArts and Cinedome name. [GuyDads]
UPDATE: CEO Stock retired from the company in 2012 and the company now offers domestic partner benefits. [Deadline , DallasVoice]

Coors Brewing Company (now Molson-Coors) An early boycott campaign that started in 1973. The LBGT community along with others began protesting Coors’ antagonistic hiring practices. Polygraph tests asking about sexual orientation were often required. The Coors family has a long history of supporting extreme right wing anti-gay groups and politicians. Finally in 1995 to counter falling sales, Coors was one of the first major corporations to adopt same sex domestic partner benefits. They also hired Mary Cheney as a marketing representative and began advertising in the gay press. [BAMN]

Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami: Three years after a lesbian complained she wasn't allowed to visit her dying partner the South Florida healthcare center now ranks high in how it responds to gay patients and families, according to a report released by the national Human Rights Campaign. HRC has dedicated its 2010 annual Healthcare Equality Index report to Janice Langbehn and partner Lisa Pond. On Feb. 18, 2007, Pond suffered a fatal brain aneurysm shortly before they were to sail with their three children on a Caribbean cruise for gay families. After Pond's death, Jackson Memorial Hospital became a national lightening rod for gay-patient rights. In April 2010, the White House said hospitals accepting Medicare and Medicaid payments will be required to let gay and lesbian partners have the same visiting rights as heterosexuals. Also, partners will be allowed to help gay patients make critical health decisions. [Miami Herald]

Ken Garff Automotive Group (53 dealerships based in Utah but operates in six states): Two week boycott called because of $100,000 family donation made by the family run business in support of Proposition 8.
UPDATE: The boycott was called off following a series of meetings that included face-to-face discussions between company principals John and Robert Garff and Utah philanthropist Bruce Bastian, a leading gay-rights advocate. The Garff company would be formally adopting "a non-discriminatory company policy, even though they are pretty much there already." John Garff, the company's CEO, has insisted that his mother's $100,000 donation was a personal gesture and in no way reflected the company's political stance. [California’s Against Hate]

The Generations Network (the parent company of ancestry.com and Family Tree Maker): Initially refused to recognize same-sex families in their software. Their support desk said: “…same-gender relationships are unable to be entered in our genealogy software …because genealogy trees are intended to trace biological relationships or bloodlines. As two persons of the same gender are unable to have biological children, they cannot be entered as spouses or partners.”
UPDATE: After a threatened boycott the CEO, Tim Sullivan, announced “Our desktop software application called Family Tree Maker, which [in addition] to ancestry is one of our key businesses, is built in a way that permits this, and we’ve recognized for some time that we absolutely want the service to reflect how anyone defines spousal relationship or how anyone defines a family.” He added that they expect ancestry.com to support same-gender relationships and all family stories by the end of the first quarter of 2009. [jaysays.com]

Manchester Grand Resorts: Doug Manchester, owner of San Diego’s Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel and Grand del Mar Resort gave $125,000 to Yes on Prop 8 campaign. [boycottmanchesterhotels.com]
UPDATE: The boycott cost the resort about $7 million dollars in lost business. Manchester offered a $25,000 cash gift to a national organization that supports only civil unions and to make $100,000 in hotel credits to GLBT organizations. Gay groups turned down the blood money. The hotel was sold in May 2011 to Host Hotels and Resorts, thus severing Manchester's financial ties to it. The company is said to be “GLBT friendly and supports the GLBT Community.” In November 2011, Doug Manchester bought the San Diego Union-Tribune (now called U-T San Diego) where he now promotes his anti-big government, anti-tax, pro-developer agenda. 

RockStar Energy Drink: Rock Star is a family business. Russell Weiner, CEO of Rock Star, is the son of Michael Weiner, known better as extreme right-wing radio talk show host Michael Savage. [Typical Savage response: “you’re one of the sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig.”] Savage helped formulate the drink, drawing on his long-time background as a botanist and herbalist. Wife and mother Janet Weiner is the chief financial officer for both Savage Productions and Rockstar. [QueerActivism]
UPDATE: After weeks of intimidating bloggers with legal cease and desist orders, the company announced in July 2009 a change in tactics. RockStar denounced Savage’s hate-filled speech and pledge that the company will be more LGBT friendly. Corporate policies will include non-discrimination clauses and domestic partner benefits. They are donating $100,000 to LGBT organizations to make up for the lawsuit threats and to prove their commitment to LGBT rights. [The Bilerico Project]

Anti-gay conservative and religious hate groups have been threatening major corporations for years. These groups include: American Family Association (AFA), Focus on the Family, Alliance Defense Fund, Americans for Truth, National Organization for Marriage (NOM), and Concerned Women for America.
They have called for boycotts of businesses and demanded that supportive companies cancel sponsorships to GLBT causes, roll-back rights and benefits to gay employees, etc. Some of the companies that have faced their wrath: Ford, McDonalds, Microsoft, Wells Fargo, Hallmark, PepsiCo, Home Depot, Starbucks, JC Penny.
Local businesses in my area that contributed to the “Yes on 8” proposition that took rights away from gay and lesbian couples. These contributions derive from corporate or owner/family donations.CAMPBELL- Cornerstone Technologies, IT engineering services
- Lambert & Sons Floor Covering, residential and commercial flooring
- Money Mailer of North San Jose, a direct mailer
- John Ludwig DDS Dental Group, general dentistry
- Daniel Moore Financial Svc, insurance agent
- Mid-Peninsula Periodontics, periodontal and dental implant care
- Packard, Packard & Johnson, whistleblower and false claim lawfirm
- Rodney Norling DDS, general dentistry
- John McCleve DDS, general dentistry
- Patte Peregrina, realtor at Coldwell Banker
- Wickstrum Porperties, nonresidential building operator
- Bahl Homes, home builder and tract developer
- Nicholas LaPorta Agency, Farmers Insurance agent
- Peter Giannini, CPA; accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services firm
- Allegis Capital, venture capital firm
- Bob Anderson State Farm Insurance, insurance and financial services
- D & M Motors, Inc., general car repair
- Lee Aldinger Insurance, insurance services
- Osborn Capital Management, real state developer
- Phillip Fletcher DDS, general dentistry
- Robert Wheatley Properties, real estate developer, home builder
- Willis & Company, commercial property services
- WSJ Properties, real estate management
REDWOOD CITY- Castle Insurance Agency, insurance broker
- Apple Gilroy, Inc. (dba Apple by the Bay), a restaurant
- ASAP Collection Services, adjustment and collection services
- Camden Pet Hospital, full service veterinary hospital
- Cortes & Sowards, management and leasing commercial real estate
- Garage Doors Incorporated, custom made garage doors
- Homer & Phillips A Law Corporation, estate planning, tax attorneys
- Itty Bitty Imprints, custom ceramic tiles of baby hand or footprints
- John R. Fishbein PhD, marriage & family therapist
- K & S Bay Concrete, contractor for foundations, driveways, patios, and walks
- Kitchen Masters, kitchen design and remodel
- Kevin W Calvert DDS Inc, general dentistry
- Law Offices of Steven R Pogue, family, estate, civil and personal injury law
- Maximum Roof Care Corp., roofing contractor
- Micrel Inc., IC solutions and semiconductor manufacture
- Paul Middleton Insurance Agency, State Farm agent
- Platinum Roofing, Inc., corporate re-roofing contractor
- Wightman Engineering Services, manufacturer of precision parts and assemblies
SUNNYVALE- Ball Internet Consulting LLC, custom programming for the web
- Donald Call DDS, general dentistry
- Joyce Kim Optometry, eye health care provider, laser vision correction
- Kiwk Keylock & Safe Inc, locksmith
- Krodel Realty, realtor
- Test Enterprises Inc, developer of test systems for semiconductor manufacturing
- F. David Crain Insurance Services, surety bonds
- Mc Manis and Associates Inc, general contractor under Mobile Homes-Improvements

Proposition 8 contributors. Doing business with companies that supported California Prop 8 reaffirms that it is acceptable to discriminate. See the following websites for more information: http://www.boycotth8ters.com/

More local names and businesses that help bankroll a despicable campaign of lies, misinformation and fear mongering are listed in previous blog entry below.
Please check the database (http://www.sfgate.com/webdb/prop8/) to see if your accountant, insurance agent, realtor, dentist, or lawyer is on the list of supporters of “Yes on H8”. You might be surprised. Some of our friends were.
RELATED: HR professionals that support discrimination and/or fear homosexuals.
NOTE: I have edited and updated this entry a number of times as I learn new information.

For a review of Anti-Gay Non-Profits see: http://guydads.blogspot.com/2012/12/anti-gay-non-profits.html
Short list of companies supporting Marriage Equality


  1. A couple more to add:
    Robert Anderson, State Farm Insurance - Palo Alto
    Gave $1000 to Yes on 8

    Mid-Peninsula Periodontics - Mark Beckstead
    Los Altos
    Gave $1000 to Yes on 8

  2. I have an old copy of Family Tree Maker (c. 1999, I think) that lets me put GPop as my spouse. Maybe I just don't understand the intricacies of the software, though, or maybe I discovered a hidden feature.

  3. I've compiled a county-by-county list of Prop 8 donors at www.DontBuyFromBigots.com

  4. wow, interesting list of companies!

  5. All this companies are not located in Germany and we will have an eye on them to make shure they are never going to be. Thanks for information.

  6. That's a bummer about Dominos. They're my favorite pizza place when ordering delivery. I guess they won't be anymore.

  7. who the hell cares about this crap. people consume their whole life caring about omg this company does this, this person does this. who the hell cares, live YOUR life how YOU want and why do you care what the hell a CEO of a company is doing? stupid.

  8. Anonymous,

    We care.

    You see, there are people who spend their lives obsessing about us and our private lives when we do nothing to them. They have made it their personal crusade to strip us of our rights, and they use the money we pay them to do it. The money we we give their businesses goes in turn to fund anti-gay legislation like Proposition 8. We're tired of it and saying "No More". Let the bigots use their own money from now on. We will no longer fund our own oppression.

  9. Exxon maybe a complete dick of a company , since they merged with mobil they've replaced pay raises and bonuses with things like insignia gifts and pats on the back and it's generally gone downhill. My dad has worked for mobil at their torrance refinery for almost 30 years and I hear about it every day. BUT they do have plenty of gay and lesbian employees in the refinery and in the stations so it's horrible to hear about their benefits being taken away , yet another reason to hate exxon though ontop of the lovely list we have going. Also I was shocked to hear about the salvation army , they're not getting pop from now on.

  10. Thanks fags! Now I'll be sure to patronize the businesses you listed as unfriendly to perverts like you. I'm ordering a Domino's pizza right now, which I will wash down with a can of Rockstar.

  11. Hello friend, your text is perfect and shows a smart way to make LGBT policy, congratulations.

    I would like your permission to play for in my blog, transcribing the text for the Portuguese and giving credits to you.

    Thank you and congratulations:)

  12. Thank you for this list! Especially after today's decision in California, I'm making sure to link this to all of my friends.

  13. Is it really fair to categorize a company as anti-gay because they don't include domestic partnership benefits? (AutoZone) I think that's a little broad.

    Sending words of encouragement to be more progressive is a very good thing as well as showing which companies already do. Calling them anti-gay even though they haven't done anything harmful could do more harm than good in the long run.

  14. Sonya A's comment above documents an important reason why marriage equality (same-sex marriage) is important. Companies can discriminate against and exclude same-sex couples in ways that they can't do to opposite-sex (married) couples. Marriage equality is crucial if you believe in fairness, justice, respect and diversity.

  15. This is awesome! So glad I can tweet about this now. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Hey guys! My company americanlimonetwork.com we are gay owned and we take gay dollars and we donate alot to the gay community and causes. So come use us from now on. We support are fellow gays! We're family!

  17. We need to make sure that not only are we boycotting the companies that are discriminating but also to support the companies that are supporting pro-gay legislation such as Ford, McDonalds, Microsoft, Wells Fargo, Hallmark, PepsiCo show them that we are thankful for their support! um McDonalds sounds good right now!

  18. You missed a LOT of good to be said about Meijer, Inc. I worked for Meijer for 7 years and while they don't offer any diversity training or any open support or domestic partner benefits (the last of which is the norm nearly everywhere across the country), Meijer has always been a very friendly place for homosexuals. They were also one of the first companies to use anti-sexual discrimination policies to apply to homosexuals. Further, for decades they have hired and promoted openly gay individuals including (dare I say it?) OBVIOUSLY gay people. To this day all of the Meijer stores in my community have an employee base (based on the individuals with whom I am familiar) in which the gay community is over represented.

    If we were to apply the same standards that you used to judge every business there would be hardly any business worthy of our patronage? While Meijer hasn't always been on the cutting edge of LGBT policies, they have long been one of the most gay-friendly companies in the area.

  19. Good article but a bit misinformed. RocStar, for example, actually has very little ties to the man this article claims. In fact, RockStar has fought this bad press for a while and announced yesterday that they are donating $100,000 to GLBT causes.

  20. Regarding Meijer it is because they have a fairly large contingency of LGBT employees and a customer base that their company policy, procedures, practices benefits not be exclusive but inclusive. What a better way to prove this is to be equal in treatment to all employees and their families. A company like Meijer could change the business spectrum by breaking the norm...

  21. Wow this is shocking! Id there a list of local to SoCal businesses as well?

  22. Thank you for making a list to show me where to take my business.

  23. Thanks for putting this list together! I'm glad to see there's still some CEO's and companies that haven't gone completely morally bankrupt! I'm glad they're standing up for their personal beliefs. Maybe you should try to be a little bit more open minded to the fact that not everybody thinks the way you do and shouldn't be forced to tolerate your behavior just because you enjoy it.

  24. Thanks for posting this. I'm going to send this link around so people are informed.

    Some, like Wal-Mart, aren't surprising. And I've hated Wal-Mart for a very long time anyway.

  25. I found this via a friend on Facebook. Thank you for making this information available! As a queer woman I definitely want to be aware of what my money is supporting!

  26. I would like to add a company to the list of anti-gay businesses, Dream Baths (dreambaths.net) on San Lazaro Avenue in Sunnyvale, CA. The owner Virginia Norman was estranged from her gay son. He had only seen her twice in the past 15 years and spoken to her once in the past four years. We called her in a drunken state and he told her exactly what he thought of her. This was part therapy and part letting go. He hated her and according to him he was abused physically when he was a child as well as abandoned. I have no proof but plenty of people would testify that this is true.

    He died unexpectedly in April 2009 and without a will. His partner of 18 years was left to sort out a bad situation. When we moved to NC in 2007, he did not call Ms. Norman (aka egg donor) and let her know we had moved nor did he give her our address or phone number. He had cut her completely out of his life four years ago except for the I Hate You phone call.

    When I finally located her and informed her of his death, she asked how much the estate was worth and barely if at all asked about what happened to her son. He would not have wanted me to call her, but since she was next of kin according to NC law, (no protections for partners in NC), I had to call her.

    I told her what her sons wishes were and she stated "I don't give a damn what his wishes were" and "Are you FN kidding me?" Many people from coast to coast called me and stated they would testify in court if needed regarding what his wishes were and the hatred he had for the egg donor. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do except pray for mercy from her. She also stated that she didn't approve of homosexual relationships, but she would have respected it. Her attitude towards his partner doesn't seem very respectful! We did reach a settlement, she demanded a six figure cash buyout and let me keep the house, cars, and personal belongings.

    The way she treated his partner of 18 years and the greediness of her at his death, it is pretty obvious that she, therefore the business that she co-owns with her husband is anti-gay.

    Since the LGBT community has plenty of disposable income to remodel kitchen and baths, which Dream Baths does, I request that the community, their supporters, and friends boycott Dream Baths (dreambaths.net).

    Please send them a letter and voice your opposition to their anti-gay attitude and the way she disrespected her sons wishes. One ugly phone call which she deserved does not give her the right to further abuse her son even in his death.

  27. The CEO of Whole Foods is against health care reform, instead arguing for dependence on charity.

  28. It does not surprise me to see insurance companies on the list of Prop 8 supporters. As reprehensible as it sounds to accuse the insurance industry of supporting institutionalized bigotry, I came to that conclusion because when I was looking at medical insurance policies and noticed there were separate pricing brackets for married couples and civil unions/domestic partnerships, with the latter being more expensive. For example my wife and I would pay $150 per person while a "civil union couple" would pay $175 per person.

    Because of the differences in pricing brackets I was not surprised that the insurance industry would play a major role in supporting Prop 8. If let's say gay marriage was to be legalized across all 50 states that means insurance companies would have to give discounted rates to gay couples, thus cutting into their profits.

    I was disturbed by the different price brackets but not as much as my wife, who reported it to the authorities.

  29. Thank you so much for posting this! It's good to know which companies to avoid. I was shocked at Cracker Barrel! It'd be good to know which companies endorse the Mormon Church, as well. I'm still trying to look that up.


    i adore you guys! hugs from NYC

  31. Thanks for the list of bad companies. It's always good to know who we can trust with our money.

  32. Straight ally checking in - Great info, thanks for putting it all together! I guess I'm not surprised @ Cracker Barrel, I knew they had some racist history. Domino's is close to last choice for pizza anyway, but it makes me curious about their chain-faux-pizza competitors. And I will never look at a Salvation Army bell-ringer quite the same!

  33. Thanks for the list of morally upright companies. Now, I know where to shop. I'm tired of the lies spewing from the gay rights people. Everyone knows that homosexualtiy is not normal or natural or morally acceptable, and any rationalization of it is just a lie. Why don't the gays just do the right thing and repent of their sins and go straight?

  34. Whatever happened to Oakley? They were on the list and now I don't see it.

  35. To you morons that are saying "Thanks for the list" for your own Bigoted ways... guess what? You were probably patronizing them in the 1st place.

    A douchebag said:

    "Why don't the gays just do the right thing and repent of their sins and go straight?"

    I'm sure when you woke up with an erection you automatically thought about sticking a man with it? Or did you choose to have sex with a Woman?

    I love people when they use their Subjective Morality against you.

  36. Should add Chik-Fil-A to your list for those near them, unless this is just a prop 8 list. See: http://gayrights.change.org/blog/view/chick-fil-a_responds_but_connections_to_anti-gay_groups_deepen

    My wife is sad as they were a nice place to take the kids, but we're not going there any more.

    Thanks for keeping the list up to date.

  37. Dish Network does carry Logo.

  38. Holy crap dude that's a lot of companies that are screwed up in the head. I will never buy dominoes again that's for damn sure.

    Secondly why the hell are prejudice bigots even reading stuff about gays? Closet case anyone?

  39. 50 years ago a gay person wouldn't even talk about being gay. now they are trying to throw out old traditions to bring their sick fantasies out into the world. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE was born gay. straight people see what gay people put on TV and in ads and since they are not strong minded they question who they really are, who they were born as. And they become infected with this disease. Gay people will never be able to understand why they feel the way they do because it was something that was put in their thoughts and in their emotions by the media by the other gays in this world. No one was born gay when you were three did you think of another man or woman, how about when you were 8, how about when you were 12 NO! YOU DIDN'T! but after being feed through movies, videos, ads, your surroundings you became gay. And the people who support the gays didn't always support them but they realize that most of the richest people are gay so they side with the elite gays because they do not want to hurt anyones feelings, they do not want they gays to be their enemies. By God this world was not made by gays, it will not be ruled by gays, and gays will not end it. I want every gay person to analyze this questions and write me back: Why are you gay?How did you become gay? does your close family and friends support you? and most importantly why do you believe people are mean or prejudice toward you? I do not entertain violence and the people that do physically harm gays are bad but try to understand why they are being mean.

    1. How can you speak for homosexuals? If a gay person is born gay, you wouldn't know it. Contrary to your obvious belief, you AREN'T God. Don't assume that role and tell people who they are and how they came to that conclusion.
      Each day brings new experiences into our lives which constantly change our identities. Theoretically, that means YOUR IDENTITY AND YOUR CONCEPTION OF SELF is constantly changing. Don't tell people who they are when you, yourself, cannot confidently remark on who YOU are.
      Sounds like you have a lot of self reflecting to do...

    2. Blahaha who ever you are you are awesome lol I love what you said at the end "you have a lot of self reflecting to do" kudos :)

    3. I don't know who you are to say that gay people weren't born gay. I'm not gay myself I'm pansexual which means that I don't give a rats ass what sex you are if I'm attracted to you I'm attracted to you. Whether that be man, woman, or transsexual. And I've always been this way ever since I can remember. My mom is supportive of me even my very conservative very Christian grandparents supported me. My friends love me and I have many of them. People are just not tolerant of other people whether that be religion, race, or sexual oreintarion. I for one am a pansexual Christian black man who believes that god put me on this earth to live my life the way I want. And yes I tried to repent my sins but you know what fuck it because god forgives I love him and he loves me so fuck off you intolerant asshole who believes that gay people are trying to rule the world and/or destroy it because the only person whos tryin to do that is you and the people like you.

  40. After I vomited at the comment above, I just wanted to thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'm definitely going to research this further. I don't want to be supporting companies that don't support my friends and family. This post is awesome, and now I've fallen in love with your blog!

  41. I really dislike how ignorant some people are. We have this one life; grow up and learn to love each other. Or at least respect each other. Anti-gay people make me sick because I have no way in my mind to justify their discrimination.


    1. How do you know that's not what our parts are meant for.... What happens when the population gets overrun with to many people? People will argue, fight, and even kill over basic needs. Just a thought. (It may even be gods plan, not that I ever claim to know his plan).

      Jesus came to this world and said "I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life." John 5:24 So you do not have any right to judge the GLBT Community, if you do believe in Christ (That is Gods Job).

      The fact is you will never be able to control the attraction to the same sex (or the opposite sex). You can decide not to act on those feelings, but ultimately you are still gay. Sounds like you need to sort things out yourself as you are angry at others for doing what you wish you could do.

  43. Why do gays feel they need marriage? Is it because of the rights? What rights are those exactly? Free health insurance? That sounds more like a privilege to me.

    If you are gay, would you also support polygamists who wanted health insurance for all of his wives? What about those that chose to be single? Where is their free health insurance.

    Bottom line: if you are gay and complaining then you are playing the victim role. They are a lot of things you could be that would place you at a far greater disadvantage - like being black.

    1. Black individuals are no longer (for the most part) at any disadvantage. Gays are now the 1960's black race.

    2. No way. Gay is the new black. At least black people can marry who they love. Unless they are gay.

    3. Blacks are no longer disadvantaged? get the cock out of your ear you fukin fruit loop...where do you penis jockeys get off? There's ppl who are forced to feed their family on minimum wage in this country. People who live in the worst conditions. It's easier for some to get drugs than it is to get a good education. Yet you cum garglers are complaining because people look at you funny when you walk into bed bath and beyond holding hands. BOO HOO HOO stop whining already you fucking turd slingers, as if running hollywood and the music business isn't enough.

  44. I feel like I need to reply to you Jim because of your statement that is full of societal inaccuracies. The most disparaged group right now in the United States is the queer or LGBT community. Of course being black has its disadvantages but by and large black people are accepted for who they are. There might be the occasional glass ceiling but the reality for GLBT people is much different. Legally speaking we are still second class citizens and not granted the full privileges and rights of being a citizen of the U.S. while our contributions remain that of the contributing heterosexual. One would think that the history of discrimination and disparities faced by the black and queer community we would be more willing to work together to change the ways of ignorance but most often I see the black and queer communities feuding over who is the most oppressed. The two communities have a rich history of blood and tribulations and our fights continue today which are not mutually exclusive. It is often neglected by those who are black and strait that they have brothers and sisters who are black and queer, Likewise it is often forgot by those who are white and queer that we have brothers and sisters who are black and queer. This isn't exclusive to the two communities, there are many racial minorities that harbor these feelings towards the queer community while neglected their own microcosmic queer community. There are many rights GLBT people are seeking, not just recognition of their devoted love from the state. There are basic protections we are also seeking, like the right to live where we wish, the right to not be discriminated against at our place of employment and the list is numerous. Sure everyone has the right to play victim but we have so much more potential, like affecting change. By posting something as simple as a list of places to avoid if you're part of our community we're taking an active role in fighting against the daily political bigotries. Let me ask you a question, would you want to support a store that says *insert racial minority* aren't human beings? I would hope not and I would want you to actively fight against that company by warning your brothers and sisters.

    On this note I would like to add one more Company to the list of national companies to avoid:


    The current company CEOs and powerhouse families the Devoses have supported and actively donated to institutions such as Focus on the Family. I hope this helps. Thanks for taking the time to read and sorry the structure was a little choppy. The text box is a little constricting.

  45. I just have one thing to say, two actually. First of all you guys have a great blog! Second of all.. it's sad. It's really sad. And it's even more sad to know that this happens not only with the LGBT community. We live in the 21st century and some of us still have to live like it's 1750. Y'all know what I mean. It's sad. Just sad.


  46. Looks like I have to find myself a new thrift store. Goodbye Salvation Army, hello ARC Thrift Stores!

  47. You should add Stephanie Meyer, author of the Twilight series, to this list. Although she does not donate directly, she is a member of the Mormon church, and therefore she tithes 20% of her money to an organization which actively participates in homophobic lobbying.

  48. David Horwitz10/02/2011 3:46 PM

    I heard that Doug Manchester sold his part of the Manchester Grand Hyatt so he could have money to invest in other projects.

  49. This is a great, interesting and useful list.

    LGBT activists have lately been having issues with major companies who sponsor events in Jamaica that feature "murder music" performers. These are popular Jamaican performers like Beenie Man, Bounty Killer, Capleton, Sizzla and Mavado who have a history of performing songs and making comments from the stage calling for LGBT people to be killed.

    The most recent problems are with Guinness Stout and Red Stripe Beer sponsoring Mavado in New York City ( http://bit.ly/NYC_Mav2 ) and Beenie Man, Bounty Killer and Mavado in Jamaica ( http://bit.ly/Sum_Murd )

    Coca Cola was also one of the sponsors of Beenie Man, Bounty Killer and Mavado in Jamaica ( http://bit.ly/Sum_Murd ) and Sizzla in Jamaica ( http://bit.ly/Coke_Zero ) and ( http://bit.ly/Sizzla_Coke )

    I haven't had any Coca Cola for years, even before I knew what they were doing in Jamaica. I have also lost my taste for Guinness.

    I have never tried Rockstar

  50. Hello there. I’m so glad I found your blog, I actually discovered this by accident, when I’d been browsing Google for something else entirely, Just the same I’m here now and would certainly wish to express gratitude for a excellent blog posting and a over-all intriguing blog (I furthermore love the theme/design). I’ve saved it and in addition subscribed to your Rss feeds

  51. Thanks for the great blog! It's good to get the word out there about where the money you spend is going. (My dad was gay, gay dads are the best!)

  52. I am a gay man and the real hypocrits are ourselves. The gays care about no issues but there own and in this time of economic disaster this should be the lowest of issues we should be fighting about. If I had to vote today for or against gay marriage I would vote against it. The gays want it only to have it not for a the loving reason that marriage is intended. This community makes me sick.

  53. Thankyou so much for posting this, none of these companies will ever receive a penny from me again! Being anti gay is just being anti people I don't understand it.

  54. I've had many job interviews, where I always wondered why I didn't get the job. I've worked 18 years now in my profession and have had countless interviews in my day. I'm also fairly visibly gay -- some people can tell I'm gay within seconds or minutes. I mean, I'm not advertising it, it's just who I am -- I can't help it.

    I would love to see a list of companies blacklisted that are known to be homophobic in hiring. Of course one or 2 incidents might just be coincidental, or maybe the gay applicant really didn't have the right experience for the job. After the 3rd incident, it would be more obvious they don't want "that kind" in their company. I've seen it all, and already have a local gay-unfriendly company list of my own.


  55. Thanks fags for giving me a list of wonderful places to shop.

  56. Thank you so much for this wonderful list!!! Now I know where to shop!!! I will never support perversion of ANY kind. I will check back for any updates. :)

  57. Be gay, that's your choice. Don't ruin the sacrament of marriage in the process though.

    Gay lobbyists should attempt to create a new "union" or what have you; but don't call it marriage.

    It's not that we're disrespectful to gays; we just want to ensure the continued respect of Christianity.

    To many gays claim to be Christian. That is an oxymoron if you understand Christianity. Christianity is all or nothing. You cannot pick and choose what you believe and still call yourself Christian.

    1. All Christians are sinners, so by your theory Noone is a Christian? plus you don't have to be Christian to get married,.I'm sure many atheists are married.

    2. Actually, a "Christian" is someone who believes and accepts God as their Lord and Savior and accepts Jesus as His son. There's nothing that says that Christians can't be sinners. The point is that they believe that Christ came to save them from sin and that they should LOVE ONE ANOTHER and work on being the best example of God's love that they can be. While some Christians might walk around like they are without sin, the fact remains that we're all sinners. "Marriage" tends to be a loaded word because it has religious implications but has crossed over into the mainstream, and THAT is where the angry debates lie. As a Christian, I may not agree with the lifestyle choice of gays (because of the religious beliefs with which I was raised), but I also know in my heart that it is not in my place to judge (that's the Lord's job). It is in my place, however, to love my brother, my fellow man, and to understand that we're all (well, mostly all) just trying to live to the best of our abilities. As for the company list, I think it's a hateful act on both sides, a sort of school yard tit for tat, but seeing as I don't shop at any of the above companies, it's neither here nor there for me.

    3. I'm black Christian and gay! So please guys just leave us at peace

  58. I'm gay, have been for all my life, in a relationship for eight years, and I'm so sick of this self-righteous crap you guys spew out.

    I don't care about marriage. My boyfriend and I have our rights taken care of where we are, and we don't need a stupid word that's been so tied to religion that it's tainted now.

    Walmart has great deals. Domino's has good pizza. If I stopped to think about where all my dollars went...well...I'd start a time-consuming blog and take way too much time to bitch about it all.

    I have a great life, and all you other gays would too if you would STOP BEING OFFENDED by idiots like those you list.

    I am a man first, a good person second, a fag third. It doesn't define me like it does you, and it DEFINITELY doesn't fill my days with misdirected anger, as it does you.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an oil change to do, and AutoZone has the best price on filters. THAT'S being smart.

    And yes, I'm anonymous, because gays are vindictive bitches. I'm surrounded by them every day.

    1. Thank you for pointing out how narrow labels only make our world more narrow. I've had conversations where people try to label groups, and I always think (and sometimes verbalize), "who cares?" We are so much more richly complex than the flat labels that society tries to place on us. It's great to hear that you live a confident life (aside from the understandable anonymous thing). Enjoy your pizza ;-)

  59. I dont agree with anit gay companies, they feel pressured by the str8 people to take there side or loose the support of the hate str8 people, but gays are rising in numbers. When will we have equality! I believe in what goes around... comes around!

  60. I need a button that says this!

    I am a man first, a good person second, and gay third. It doesn't define me like it does you, and it DEFINITELY doesn't fill my days with misdirected anger, as it does you.

    I dont leave post as anonymous, Im not ashamed of who I am or what I am. I dont look for fights, but wont back down on my beliefs.

  61. Thank you guys so much for this! I'm doing a persuasive speech on which companies to not go to because they support anti-gay affiliates or do not offer partner benefits, and what you guys have written really help me out!

    Thanks again!

    GO SAN FRAN!! hehe.

  62. Hi!

    Im the same person who is doing the project/post above, and wanted to point something out.

    Anonymous- you point out how gay marriage "ruins the sacrament of marriage". *SACRAMENT*. Defined as: "A religous ceremony or act of the Christian Church that is regarded as an outward and visible sign of divine grace, in particular".

    Here in America we have something called "Seperation between Church and State".
    So. What you say has no valor or weight.

  63. Also lees ferry lodge in marble canyon az. The owner plays a left wing persona and shmoozes with bigot nazis over dinner

  64. Christian Appalachian Project, promoting itself as a charity that helps those in need in the Appalachian area. I was harassed, bullied, and finally terminated due mainly to the fact my supervisor was homophobic - substantiated by the fact she made derogatory comments about my "tomboy" ways and accused me of "having a thing" going with a female co-worker.

  65. I think the authors of this blog are strong people to post this sort of thing knowing you will receive the sort of ignorant, hateful comments that some have chosen to leave you. I came to this post because I was researching whether or not Sweet Frog was an anti-gay company-- I didn't see anything here though.

    For some of us, the reasons you list above for those companies being anti-gay may not be reason enough to boycott or to agree that the company is in fact against the rights of gays. Some of it is ambiguous. But as gay men, if this is reason enough for you (the authors) or any of your readers to avoid those companies, that's certainly something you're entitled to. It is people like you who make these things public for the rest of us, so that we might decide for ourselves where we'd like to spend our dollars, gay or straight, and I thank you for that.

  66. Wow. I am amazed. I always felt better donating to salvation army. Now I feel worse. Going to have to find a new thrift store. Thanks for opening my eyes!

  67. I'm laughing out loud at some of these comments. You want to boycott Urban Outfitters because their founder is Republican? You want to boycott the author of Twilight because she is Morman? I believe in equality, but it's like you're grasping at straws here... Everyone simply needs to respect someone elses beliefs, which is a HUGE difference then agreeing with their beliefs. If you can't respect someone who is a Republican or a Morman, why do you feel like they should respect you as well?

  68. I don't think that all those who appose Gay Marriage are do so out of hate or wanting to harm those it opposes. I think if the fight for equality turned the terminology towards "civil unions" since it has been made out to be a "civil rights" movement then it would gain more acceptance.

    If its about rights and equality then shouldn't those who want to keep the terminology of "marriage" as what its meant for centuries be able to keep that term to define who they are just as your using GLBT to define yourself. What if all the straight people in the country wanted to turn the terminology "GLBT" to define the straight heterosexuals. It would diminish its meaning it currently has.

    What I'm getting at is there is a compromise when using the term "civil union" that doesn't cause others to feel intimidated by a lifestyle they don't understand or frankly don't agree with. You most likely wouldn't feel inclined to accept and believe in everyone's religion as they are being asked to believe in your life style. I think there are better ways to make your cause come across as tolerant towards others while asking for others to be tolerant. I don't think its right to force your lifestyle on the public as forcefully as its been over the past few years. There are other things people think about and those are being passed up for a fight over a what many consider a sacred terminology when in fact it should be over civil rights which laws can afford you with out using the term Marriage.

    I'm just tired of the fighting and the way its turned into all out warfare in a sense. Its contentious and could very well be considered hate just as much as the other side is being labeled with that term.

    With all due respect.

  69. Boycott them all so that they go out of business and all those hateful evil emoyees they have lose their jobs. Oh wait........

  70. Thanks for the list! It's great to know what businesses to support. We should all tell them to "keep up the good work!"

  71. Oh my word, people. I'm a Christian. I know, by my code, by the Bible I live by, what God deems right and wrong. And yet you will not catch me boycotting gay-friendly companies. Why? Because for the love of pete, these decisions are made by over-wealthy CEO's and there are plenty of people working for the company that DO NOT SHARE THIS BELIEF! I'm not going to punish the employees of Starbucks, McDonald's and Nabisco just because I disagree with them.

    Now, what really bugs me is this. I hate that the evolving and growing homosexual community is crying abuse and yet abusing people themselves. Ugh. You preach about love and acceptance? Sounds to me like you only accept those who accept you...which is EXACTLY what you accuse Christians of. Those who do not agree with that lifestyle are being bullied themselves. Oh, but we don't want to think about that, do we? I am a Christian, I have my own beliefs and yet I feel that I am discriminated against WAY more than I discriminate. Some of the people who have touched my life the most have chosen a homosexual lifestyle. So have some of the people who have attacked me the most for the way I choose to live my life.

    Seriously. We are all like little children, just crying about how so-and-so said mean things about us, and so we're just gonna be mean back. It's exhausting.

  72. Listen, you feel free to stop donating to the Salvation Army. I will keep doing so. I would never throw innocent children under the bus for politics, and that's what you all are doing by "boycotting" the Salvation Army. That money you will no longer give provides a Christmas celebration for children who would otherwise have none. No thanks...I'll keep donating. And also, Chick Fil A is so yummy!

  73. So it's all about support 8 or we'll fuck you over until you go out of business. Wow. Sounds like what people bitch about when they say the Church imposes shit on people. And because of this BS blog, I think I'll take my chances with 8. Sheesh these people are annoying.

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  75. The Coors family has a long history of supporting extreme right wing anti-gay groups and politicians.
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  76. I'd love to point out that the Domino's Founder no longer runs things and has nothing to do with Domino's Pizza anymore. New CEO, new pizza, new ideas. Still a conservative company, but nothing as radical as supporting anti-gay movements. <3 a dominos employee

  77. I support marriage equality, too—just like everyone in America. I just don’t support Orwellian Newspeak–induced anarchy.

  78. I’d also be interested to know why anyone thinks any of these companies are “anti-gay.” What does that even mean? The word “gay,” as slang for “homosexual,” has over 1.1 sextillion accepted definitions, so “anti-gay” would have at least as many. How could anyone even be capable of being “anti-” so many things?

    Until we can agree on what “gay” means, claiming anyone is “anti-gay” shows nothing beyond the speaker’s own ignorance. :-(

  79. They are a lot of things you could be that would place you at a far greater disadvantage - like being black. great info!!

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  80. What people should understand is if we are not supporting companies that don't support our causes is not helping the millions of people employed there. These are people who may not have many sources of income and who have to work at these places. It's selfish of us to just not think of those that will loose their jobs.

    Another thing we should understand is that everyone has a right to not support our causes or what we stand for. We shouldn't get mad at them because they aren't like us, think like us, believe like us, or are passionate about our causes.

    I don't like how women are displayed in the media, but do I fight ignorance with ignorance? No. At least I am able to educate people and myself and RESPECT what others have to say. I may not agree with there reasoning, but for me to tear them down in a demeaning way is not my mission. I want to educate men and women, young, old and in between about the messages put out there. It's there choice to support or not. If we are trying to FOCUS people into what we believe we are not doing our job!!

  81. Wayne Addams6/14/2013 2:04 PM

    So many idiots completely missing the point in these comments.

    I'll make it really simple for you:

    If a company is going to use money from my patronage to donate to political causes that treat me like a second-class citizen, I'm not going to do business with that company. It's really as simple as that. Common fucking sense, actually.

    And if the employees of said businesses lose their jobs because of it, tough shit. They can blame their bosses. The free market is a bitch, ain't it?

  82. thank you for listing the companies that support | oppose gay rights. i feel very strongly that in our society the worst thing that you can do is to take money out of the pockets of people who continue to discriminate against people.

    i am in sf and i was wondering if anyone has a list of the local organizations here that we should boycott | support?!?

    one more thing: as a christian, i am deeply offended by any organization that uses my faith as an excuse to discriminate against any group of people. those people clearly have no idea what it means to be a real christian and they continue to drag the rest of us down!!

  83. Hobby Lobby doesn't "hate" homosexuals.Just because someone doesn't agree with your sex life doesn't make that person hateful. They simply want to love YHVH and keep His commandments as Scripture teaches. Homosexuals are hypocrites. The homosexual says "agree with my sex life or I will accuse you of being full of hate and intolerant!" But isn't the homosexual being hateful and intolerant of those who don't agree with their sex lives? They demand tolerance but don't tolerate those who choose biblical marriage and family values. Also, a true Jew has the same faith as father Abraham. Father Abraham would never accept and tolerate homosexuality or any other sexual perversion. Shalom.

    1. I am not even Jewish ( I am Christian) but agree totally with this, this is how the gay community is... If you walked around promoting your faith they would come down hard on you telling you to leave your beliefs to yourself yet they force their sexuality on all of us! Very difficult times.

  84. Add AAA, the Auto Club of S. CA. They offer benefits and protection to gay employees in CA only because the law or local culture demands it. Their employees in other states, Texas for example, are NOT protected and receive NO domestic partner benefits!

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  88. Don't forget ALTRA running out of Utah. They claim to be a friendly little running shoe company, in reality they are owned by extreme members of the LDS church and donate money and time to both anti-gay and anti-equality causes. When exposed they do the mormon game of deception and avoidance.

  89. Thank you so much for this list of the good guys - saves me a lot of time searching since they don't go around flaunting their good deeds. And a true Jew would never suggest that God is okay with homosexual acts, just as he is not okay with any other sex aside from sex between a married man and woman - God will not be mocked.

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  93. Thanks for the list, all the more reason to patron the stores that support closing on Sundays and worshipping the God of their choice, as the gay community are the ones who have been targeting Christians (other religions as well). I won't be boycotting anyone, as I believe no one is to judge, but please LGBT people, get off your high judgey horses already. Leave us alone if we don't want to support your cause.

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