Monday, May 21, 2012

Song for Harvey Milk Day

In California, Harvey Milk Day, May 22nd, is recognized as a day of special significance for public schools. The day was established by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2009 following the success of the award-winning feature film Milk retracing San Francisco Supervisor Milk's life.

Harvey Milk becomes the first openly gay man elected to a public office in the United States. Milk didn’t get involved in politics, gay activism or become open about his sexuality until after age 40. Yet, Anne Kronenberg, his final campaign manager, wrote of him: "What set Harvey apart from you or me was that he was a visionary. He imagined a righteous world inside his head and then he set about to create it for real, for all of us."

Sean Chapin, a member of the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus, premieres this outstanding original song and music video "I Have Tasted Freedom." 

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