Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Passover! Chag Sameach!

After several days of searching & thinking, my talented chef of a husband has decided on our Seder Menu:
- Canyon Ranch Charoset, Charoset Edda, and Tangy Charoset Balls
- Steamed Sole Rolls with Mango & Red Peppers
- Roasted Carrot Soup with Parsley & Sage Matzo Balls
- Salad of Bitter Herbs & Oranges
- Rolled Turkey Breasts with Spinach Mushroom Stuffing & Pan Gravy
- Barry Wine's Tsimmes Terrine
- Roasted Pear, Potato & Watercress Puree with Toasted Walnuts
- Cranberry-Pineapple Kugel
- Strawberry Mousse
- Chocolate Meringue Squares
We are hosting our gay men's seder on Saturday (sixth night) because hubby is singing with the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus. Their concerts this year fell on first and second night of Passover.
SFGMC - Where Is Love & Secret Love


The Maccabeats - Les Misérables - Passover

Link: http://youtu.be/qmthKpnTHYQ

Stuff People Say At The Seder

Link: http://youtu.be/W9r6dQ57x34

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