Saturday, April 19, 2014

Gay Pesach Seder Dinner

Although Passover began last Monday, we are hosting our Seder dinner tonight on Saturday. Most Jews celebrate Pesach or Passover with a Seder dinner on the first and/or second night of the seven (some say eight) day festival. Tonight 20 gay men will be sitting down and retelling the ancient story of freedom and liberation.

I have written and posted in the past about our gay men's Passover Seder. Here is a collection of some of my favorite and informative posts.

The story of liberation. In addition to telling the Exodus story, we also tell and remember the lives and contributions of gay Jews.
Remembering the Stories of Gay Jews in the History of GLBT Liberation:

On our Seder table we have both the traditional Seder plate and a GLBT Seder plate.
The meaning of the Gay Seder Plate:

Some of the readings we incorporate into our service around the table.
Gay Memorial Candle and a Retelling of the Ten Plagues in the GLBT community:

Our menu for tonight. Lovingly prepared by my husband.

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