Thursday, May 29, 2014

Beginning Pride Month with a Harvey Milk Stamp

Eddie and Ed with Danny Nicoletta
June is Pride Month for many places around the country. We got an early jump on it with the unveiling of the Harvey Milk forever stamp. On Harvey’s birthday, May 22, the stamp was publicly presented at a White House in a first day of issue ceremony. Speaking at the event was the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Tammy Baldwin, Representative John Lewis, Deputy Postmaster General Ronald A. Stroman, and other distinguished guests including the Co-Founders of the Harvey Milk Foundation, Stuart Milk and Anne Kronenberg.

One of the cool things for us is that our friend Danny Nicoletta took the photo of Harvey used on the stamp. Danny worked in Harvey’s camera store in the 1970s and went on to become a photojournalist, artist and gay rights activist.

San Francisco held a public ceremony in city hall to honor the legacy of Harvey Milk on May 28. Many dignitaries spoke (SF Mayor Edwin Lee, SF Supervisors David Campos and Scott Wiener, CA State Attorney General Kamala Harris, Anne Kronenberg and Stuart Milk) and the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus sang two numbers: “San Francisco” (from Andrew Lippa's "I Am Harvey Milk") and “Give 'Em Hope.” My talented husband, Eddie, sang with the chorus and attended the reception afterwards.

To get your Harvey Milk stamps either visit your local post office or order on line from USPS.COM here. Order quickly because USPS commemorative stamps are printed in limited quantities and are sold until supplies are gone.

More on gay men on postage stamps here:
San Francisco City Hall

Former Ambassador James Hormel

Harvey Milk's nephew, Stuart Milk who is co-founder of the Harvey Milk Foundation

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