Sunday, April 08, 2012

Sephardic Gay Seder

19 gay men gathered first for havdalah outside on our patio and then inside for the seder itself on the second night of Passover. 

This year's menu was Sephardic in nature, and by all accounts a delicious success. It was served in five courses:

1st: Egyptian Ground Fish Balls with Tomato & Cumin

2nd: Middle Eastern Chicken Soup with Turkey Matzah Balls

3rd: Israeli Veggie Salad

4th: Chicken in Pomegranate/Walnut Sauce
Moroccan-Flavored Carrot Kugel
Moroccan Potato Casserole
Savory Mushrooms in Thyme & Olive Oil

5th: Dried Fruit Compote with Pineapple, Pistachios & Mint
Chocolate Truffles
Coconut Macaroons

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