Thursday, April 05, 2012

Gay Men's Queer Passover Seder

We are celebrating the second night of Passover on Saturday night with our annual gay men's Passover Seder. A total of 19 guys (plus a spot for Elijah) are attending this year.
I have written and posted quite a bit in the past about our gay men's Passover Seder. Here is a collection of some of my favorite and informative posts.

The story of liberation. In addition to telling the Exodus story, we also tell and remember the lives and stories of gay Jews.
Remembering the Stories of Gay Jews in the History of GLBT Liberation:

On our Seder table we have both the traditional Seder plate and a GLBT Seder plate.
Gay Seder Plate

Some of the readings we incorporate into our service around the table.

Gay Memorial Candle and a Retelling of the Ten Plagues:

Links to GLBT Haggadahs available in the Internet:

My husband is a "fierce" chef. His dinners are known for their exceptional quality and creativity. Here are links to previous Passover Seder menus:

This year's menu and pictures coming later.


  1. Hey, I am quite new in the passover this year. That’s why looking for some perfect information around. Really got some important tips from you here.
    Wishing you a happy Passover.
    You can take a look at this passover message: on this celebration. Very unique one.

  2. This year will be my first year attending a local queer Passover Seder event, and I'm very much looking forward to it. Thank you for this post!
