The new Elton John musical “Lestat” was a big disappointment. I have seen many musicals in different stages of development: readings, workshops, first and second productions. It always amazes me when a musical has this much money thrown at it and it is this bad. I think the music is the big problem. It is dull, tedious and unexciting. I was expecting something grand and melodramatic like “The Phantom of the Opera”. Even the B-grade musical “Jekyll and Hyde” was more interesting and tuneful. The story also needs work too. The wacky and wild “Batboy” had more pathos and dramatic tension.

The money did buy nice sets and a great cast. Hugh Panero, a former Phantom, looked and sounded great as Lestat. Allison Fisher as the child Claudia nearly stole the show. If only they had songs and dialogue worthy of their talent.
Not since “Wicked”, has a big-budget musicals trying out in San Francisco done well. “Mambo Kings” didn’t make it to Broadway and “Lennon” limped there for several weeks before closing.
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