We felt young and crazy last Saturday night. We had an interesting dinner with another couple at a Brazilian steakhouse in SF called Espetus. The place is an all the meat you can eat restaurant. Waiters wearing poofy pants and red scarves bring slabs of meat on a spear to your table. They cut off a piece that you grab with your tongs. It was a bit overwhelming, especially since E doesn’t eat beef or lamb and neither one of us eat pork or much meat in general. They had a good salad bar however.
After dinner we walked a couple blocks to the New Conservatory Theatre Center is see "Franc D'Ambrosio's Broadway." D'Ambrosio played the Phantom in San Francisco for five years and holds the record for playing the part for more than 2,600 performances. His talent nearly surpasses his ego, which is huge. It was a good cabaret show. Excellent selection of Broadway tunes. His melody from “The Phantom” was worth the price.
Even though we enjoyed the evening so far, we were not ready to go home yet. We decided to stop by Martuni’s and visit their piano bar. When we arrived at 10:30 the place was not crowded. But there were mostly straight people there. Fortunately, by 11pm the place turned over. Most of the straights were gone and the room was packed with men. We spent the next three hours, until they kicked us out at closing, drinking martinis with this group of four younger men. Two of guys were friends who work together and the other two were a couple visiting from Chicago. One of the guys was on crutches because he had been in a recent cheerleading accident. E and I have no recollection of what we talked about over the three hours. All we remember is that it was a blast. We didn’t get home to bed to almost 4am!
I love churrascarias. Did they have those green and red cards that you can use to signal when they should stop serving?
Your meat-eating story reminds me of when my partner was having dinner in Melbourne with work-mates. A huge, 2 inch thick steak was brought out, followed by a huge platter of sausages and other assorted meat. The only vegetable in sight was some decorative cabbage (which I think he ate!).
A cheerleading accident. I love our people.
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